
Welcome to Sharelooms’ New Website

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Sharelooms Mission to Help Families Share Their Stories for Generations to ComeSharelooms is excited to announce our new website. We will be able to share more of our family history stories with you and introduce the Sharelooms Family History Blog and Sharelooms Store.

Our Sharelooms Family History Blog is where we share stories with our families on an ongoing basis. We will post samples of the family history projects we are working on and highlights of our Sharelooms Legacy Videos. We will also share historical stories, delicious family recipes and holiday traditions from our families.

The Sharelooms Store is a private store for you to share your family history projects with your family across the United States and the World. That way your family and friends can order them to enjoy in their homes too.

We have also incorporate your favorite social media: Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter. Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook.

We are still putting the finishing touches on the website but would love your feedback.

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