Memorial Service Photo and Video Sharelooms San Diego

Photo and Video Services for your Loved One’s Memorial Services

Memorial Service Photo | Daddy in his Sierras

With the passing of a loved one, there is much to do and very little time to prepare for the Memorial Service. Sharelooms is here to support your family during this difficult time. We are experts at photo and videos projects and will help your family create beautiful photo and video keepsakes to honor your loved one’s memory.

Memorial Service – Photo and Video Services:


Memorial Service Locations:

Sharelooms is honored to help families in locations across San Diego. We have filmed loved one’s memorials at:

Military Honors:

Sharelooms is honored to film loved ones military honors memorial services for families. We offer live streaming services for family members that are not able to attend.

Memorial Live Stream Video

Sharelooms is available to live stream your family’s memorial service for loved one that are not able to attend so everyone can pay their respects even if they are unable to travel.

Photo Scanning

Memorial Service PhotoGoing through old photos is a very healing step in the grieving process. We can help you go through the boxes or you can give us your favorites to scan. All photos are hand scanned at high resolutions so that we can create beautiful photo projects for the Memorial Service and keepsakes for the family.

Photo Slideshow

Photo slideshows are a great way to honor a loved one at the memorial service or reception. Sharelooms will create a beautiful recap of their life through photos for family and friends to enjoy.

Photo Signature Book

Sharelooms Custom Photos Signature Books are a great way for you to share favorite photos with guests. It also makes a beautiful keepsake for your family. The day of the memorial service is such a blur. It’s nice to sit down and see who was there and special notes that they wrote to you. We have a variety of styles to choose from.

Filming Memorial Service

Memorial ServiceMost likely you will have family and friends from out-of-town that would love to attend the memorial service but are unable to. Sharelooms videographers are available to film the service to watch in the privacy of your home. We can post it on a private family website and create DVDs or Blu-ray disks to send to family and friends.

Life Story Photo Book

After gathering all the photos for the memorial service, a life story photo book is a great way to organize and enjoy the photos throughout the year. Whenever you are missing your loved one, you can grab your book and relive your wonderful memories.

Legacy Video

While loved ones are in town for the memorial service or after everyone leaves Sharelooms can capture the stories of your loved one by filming your family and friends. We will then combine these video interviews with family photos to create a Sharelooms Legacy Video. This is our favorite way to preserve their story for generations to come.

Family Website

Family Website for Memorial ServiceSharelooms can create a private website for your family to share photos, videos of the service, and share special stories and memories.

Photo Collage Board

We can create beautiful photo collage boards to display at the entrance of the memorial service or reception for family and friends to enjoy. Enjoy their best photos from their childhood to present.

Keepsake DVDs and Blu-Rays

Memorial Service DVDKeepsake DVDs and Blu-Rays are a great way to organize all the photo and videos into one place. Digital downloads, iPad, and iPhone versions are also available. We have many cases to choose from.

Contact Sharelooms

For pricing or answers to specific questions, contact Sharelooms at or call 858-461-9123 to Start Sharing Today. Please make sure to add Sharelooms to your address box or check your junk mail for a response.

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