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2019 New Year Resolution Resolve to Share Your Stories

2014 New Year Resolution

2019 New Year's ResolutionHappy New Year to all our friends and family! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. Our family had a great Christmas and New Year together. We went on lots of hikes and made some great memories. This New Year we hope that you resolve to make preserving your family’s photos, videos and stories a priority. Sharelooms is here to help you. Our New Year Resolution is to help more families Preserve and Share Their Stories and to do our part to stop cancer. Call us today at 858-461-9123 to start your 2019 New Year Resolution.

New Year Resolution #1 – Resolve to Preserve your Photos

Treasure Box Full of Old PhotosSharelooms can help your family scan old family photos of your ancestors, grandparents, parents and children. Once scanned the digital versions can be shared with family and friends around the world. It is also a great start to creating family keepsakes such as: Legacy Slideshows and Legacy Photo Books. Having a digital version also helps to protect your family in case of fire.

Learn More About Sharelooms Photo Scanning

New Year Resolution #2 –

Resolve to Enjoy your Home Movies

Flim Transfer to DVD or Blu-RayDo you have old family movies stored away in your closets and drawers? Have Sharelooms digitize and edit your movies so you can enjoy your family’s favorite memories.
Learn More About Sharelooms Home Movie Transfer and Editing

New Year Resolution #3 –

Resolve to Capture your Family’s Stories

Family History PhotoI started Sharelooms in 2006 after I lost my Grandpa. I realized how much I missed hearing his voice and stories. If you are a parent or a grandparent, the greatest gift you can give your family is capturing the stories of the patriarchs and matriarchs of your family. After loosing my Dad to cancer this year, this mission is even more important to me. Don’t wait, call us today!!!
Start your Family’s Legacy Video

New Year Resolution #4

Resolve to Fight Back Against Cancer

Sharelooms Founder at her first Susan G Komen 3-Day walk in Washington D.C. in 2011
The last couple of years I lost three very important people to cancer: My Dad, Our Dear Cousin Andrew and our great Family Friend Frank. I have also watched loved ones battle bravely in their fight against cancer. This year I’m fighting back!
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